Four people dressed in painters' outfits march into the busy lobby of Manhattan Trust, a cornerstone Wall Street Branch of a worldwide financial institution. Within seconds, the costumed robbers place the bank under a surgically planned siege, and the 50 patrons and staff become unwitting pawns in an airtight heist. NYPD hostage negotiators Detectives Keith Frazier and Bill Mitchell are dispatched to the scene with orders to establish contact with the heist's ringleader, Dalton Russell, and ensure safe release of the hostages. Working alongside Emergency Services Unit (ESU) Captain John Darius, all are hopeful that the situation can be peacefully diffused and that control of the bank and release of those inside can be secured in short order. But Russell proves an unexpectedly canny opponent--clever, calm and totally in command--a puppet master with a meticulous plan to disorient and confuse not only the hostages, but also the authorities. Outside, the crowd of New Yorkers grows as the situation becomes increasingly intense tense, with Frazier's superiors becoming more concerned about his ability to keep the standoff from spiraling out of control. The robbers appear to consistently be one step ahead of the police, outwitting Frazier and Mitchell at every turn. Frazier's suspicions that more is at work than anyone perceives are justified with the entry of Madeline White, a power player with shadowy objectives, who requests a private meeting with Russell. The chairman of the bank's board of directors, controlling entrepreneur Arthur Case, is also uniquely interested in the moment-to-moment happenings inside the branch. But just what are the robbers after? Why has nothing worked to alleviate the standoff, which stretches on hour after hour? Frazier is convinced that invisible strings are being pulled and secret negotiations are taking place as the powder keg situation grows more unstable by the moment.
Production Status: | Released |
Genres: | Drama, Thriller and Crime/Gangster |
Running Time: | 128 min. |
Release Date: | March 24th, 2006 (wide) |
MPAA Rating: | R for language and some violent images. |
Distributors: |
Universal Pictures Distribution, United International Pictures
Production Co.: |
Imagine Entertainment
Studios: |
Universal Pictures
U.S. Box Office: | $87,784,545 |
Filming Locations: |
New York, New York, USA
Produced in: | United States |
Production Status: | Released |
Genres: | Drama, Thriller and Crime/Gangster |
Running Time: | 128 min. |
Release Date: | March 24th, 2006 (wide) |
MPAA Rating: | R for language and some violent images. |
Distributors: |
Universal Pictures Distribution, United International Pictures
Production Co.: |
Imagine Entertainment
Studios: |
Universal Pictures
U.S. Box Office: | $87,784,545 |
Filming Locations: |
New York, New York, USA
Produced in: | United States |
Actors | |
Denzel Washington | Detective Keith Frazier |
Clive Owen | Dalton Russell |
Jodie Foster | Madeline White |
Christopher Plummer | Arthur Case |
Willem Dafoe | Captain John Darius |
Chiwetel Ejiofor | Detective Bill Mitchell |
Kim Director | Stevie |
Carlos Andrés Gómez | Steve |
James Ransone | Steve-O |
Bernie Rachelle | Chaim |
Peter Gerety | Captain Coughlin |
Victor Colicchio | Sergeant Collins |
Cassandra Freeman | Sylvia |
Peter Frechette | Peter Hammond |
Gerry Vichi | Herman Gluck |
Waris Ahluwalia | Vikram Walia |
Rafael Osorio | Bank Guard |
Rodney Jackson | Bank Guard |
Daryl Mitchell | Mobile Command Officer Rourke |
Ashlie Atkinson | Mobile Command Officer Berk |
David Brown (XV) | Mobile Command Officer Carnow |
Robert C. Kirk | Mobile Command Officer Borinsky |
Frank Stellato | Mobile Command Detective |
Ken Leung | Wing |
Marcia Jean Kurtz (II) | Miriam Douglas |
Ed Blunt | Ray Robinson |
Amir Ali Said (II) | Brian Robinson |
Lemon Andersen | Paul Guitierez |
Samantha Ivers | Nancy Mann |
Peter Kybart | Mayor |

昨晚我們看的2部電影是 The Sentinel 特勤組 和 Inside Man 臥底
Michael Douglas
類 型: | 動作/ 反恐 |
片 長: | 105分鐘 |
分 級: | 保護級 |
導 演: | 【反恐特警組】克拉克強森 |
演 員: | 【沈默生機】麥克道格拉斯、【玩命手機】金貝辛格、【絕命鈴聲】基佛蘇德蘭、【慾望師奶】伊娃朗格莉雅 |
發行公司: | 福斯 |
上映日期: | 2006-04-21 |
劇情簡介 |
白宮特勤探員彼特葛瑞森(麥克道格拉釿飾),查獲新納粹組織企圖滲透白宮暗殺總統。消息傳出後,葛瑞森便遭獲神祕恐嚇,要脅要抖出他與第一夫人莎拉(金貝辛格飾)的情事。為維護莎拉的名譽,葛瑞森辭去職務,但私下仍不放棄找出真相,期能力保美國總統的安危。就在調查過程中,葛瑞森意外與他的同僚布肯里吉探員(基佛蘇德蘭飾)狹路相逢… |

類 型: | 驚悚 |
片 長: | 132分鐘 |
分 級: | 保護級 |
導 演: | 【為所應為】史派克李 |
演 員: | 【震撼教育】丹佐華盛頓、【亞瑟王】克里夫歐文、【空中危機】茱蒂福斯特、【真善美】克里斯多夫柏麥、【勇者無懼】奇維托艾吉佛 |
發行公司: | 環球 |
上映日期: | 2006-03-24 |
劇情簡介 |
【臥底】一片的故事描述四名搶匪打扮成油漆工闖入一家位於華爾街的曼哈頓信託銀行行搶,並在不到一分鐘內就挾持了將近五十名人質,而這五十名包括銀行客戶和職員的人質,也成為這起搶案重要的棋子。 紐約市警局談判專家基斯費雪警探(丹佐華盛頓飾)和比爾米契(奇維托艾吉佛飾)立刻被派到現場,試圖和搶匪的首領道頓羅素(克里夫歐文飾)溝通協調釋放人質。霹靂小組隊長約翰戴芮斯(威廉達佛飾)則負責率領隊員在現場待命,一旦發生危急情況,便要展開攻堅行動。警方的佈署可說是嚴密周詳,但是事情的發展卻完全出乎他們的預料之外。 道頓羅素是一個冷靜聰明的搶匪,而且他利用挾持人質以及佔領銀行的優勢掌控大局,他就像是一名傀儡戲大師,不但把人質玩弄在掌心,也把警方耍得團團轉,費雪警探和搶匪的談判毫無進展,因此他的能力也受到上級的質疑。搶匪似乎永遠都搶在警方前面,預料到談判專家費雪警探和霹靂小組隊長戴芮斯的每一步,因此費雪漸漸覺得這起搶案似乎另有蹊蹺,這時一名似乎和權力核心關係良好的神秘政商界掮客麥德琳魏特(茱蒂福斯特飾)又在紐約市長的協助之下硬要介入此案,在這同時,遭到搶劫的曼哈頓信託銀行董事長亞瑟寇斯也對這起搶案表現出不尋常的興趣,這讓費雪更覺得這起搶案疑雲重重。 隨著時間一點一點過去,搶匪除了要求警方提供逃逸的巴士和飛機之外,似乎並沒有任何進一步的行動,也沒有人知道他們到底要的是什麼。費雪警探這時相信各方人馬在私底下一定有黑箱作業及交易,而這場貓捉老鼠的遊戲也在搶匪不按牌理出牌的情況下變得愈來愈危險。 【臥底】一片除了有堅強的演員陣容之外,幕後工作人員更是一時之選。除了黑人名導史派克李之外,包括攝影指導馬修李柏提格(【惡夢輓歌】);美術指導韋恩湯瑪斯(【最後一擊】);剪接師貝瑞亞力山大布朗(【為所應為】)以及配樂師泰倫斯布藍察(【黑潮--麥爾坎X】)。執行製片是丹尼爾羅森柏格(【麻醉性謀殺】)、強齊利克(【25小時】)、凱倫琪拉雪伍德(【美麗境界】)以及金姆羅斯(【針鋒相對】)。 |

尤其是 Inside Man 臥底
其中女主角Jodie Foster 和男主角Denzel Washington

Jodie Foster

Denzel Washington
"The Silence of the Lambs" (1991) 沉默的羔羊
"Contact" (1997) 接觸未來
"Nell" (1994) 大地的女兒
是 Jodie Foster 的經典作品
"The Bone Collector" 人骨拼圖
是 Denzel Washington 的經典作品
打死你 你都一定要看啊
Michael Douglas
The Sentinel (2006)男主角Michael Douglas 也是我非常愛的男演員
"The War of the Roses" (1989) 玫瑰戰爭
"Fatal Attraction" 致命的吸引力
"Basic Instinct" (1992)
"The Game" (1997) 致命遊戲
是 Michael Douglas 的經典作品
打死你 你也都一定要看啊